8 Steps to Spill Response

Be Prepared - An Oil or Chemical Spill can happen ‘Anytime, Anyplace’

1. Assess the risk -Evacuate non-essential personnel. Identify the liquid and how big the spill is.

2. Select Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) -Choose the proper protective clothing & equipment to safely respond to the spill. If the liquid is unknown, assume the worst and use the highest level of protection.

3. Block, divert or contain the spill -Use KtechSorb® socks or booms to surround and stop the flow of liquid. Use Drain Covers to cover any drains immediately

4. Stop the Leak -Stop the source of the spilled material if possible. Close the main valve, shut down the machine or plug the drum or tank.

5. Assess the Incident Response - Once under control, reassess the situation and develop an Cleanup Action Plan. Do you have enough workers? What will use to store the waste?

6. Implement Cleanup Action Plan - Clean up the contained spill with Ktech Sorb pads, pillows, socks, or booms. Use proper storage containers like OverPacks & salvage drums

7. Decontaminate -Set up a decontamination station and properly decontaminate workers, equipment and the site.

8. Complete Final Reports - complete all notifications, medical exposure reports or any other paperwork associated with the spill.